Why Azure?
Azure offers a best in class solution to optimise your ERP with SAP certified infrastructure, world class security, flexibility and scalability. Discover why Azure is the leading Cloud platform for SAP workloads.
Our commitment to Microsoft Azure
Back in 2018, Centiq made a commitment that Azure would be our sole public Cloud offering for SAP and complimentary Microsoft workloads. Microsoft’s partner-friendly approach alongside its clear focus on SAP, security, innovation and diverse enterprise portfolio cemented them as our partner of choice.

Why Azure gets Centiq’s seal of approval
SAP Focused Culture
With a focus on enabling SAP transformation, Microsoft has invested in a number of team’s dedicated to SAP workloads. Customer Success Units, dedicated technical resources, and FastTrack teams are just a few of the support offerings at the disposal of both customers and partners. With collaboration at our core, and a joint desire to deliver projects seamlessly, we work closely with all the SAP teams across Microsoft, ensuring where appropriate, dual supported project delivery for our customers.

The Art of the Possible
Championing a comprehensive set of cloud technologies the art of the possible comes to life for companies making the move to Azure. Azure simplifies access to an array of value added tools for SAP and non SAP workloads, reducing dependency on third party technology for services such as backup, shared file systems, and DR. Whilst complimentary Microsoft technology such as PowerBI, can be seamlessly integrated to boost insights into data and analytics.
Cloud transformation is a step, digital transformation is the goal.

Microsoft’s focus on innovation is something we applaud. They encourage partner contribution and Centiq actively participate in Partner Councils, technicalreviews and meet regularly with Microsoft stakeholders to discuss best practice and customer challenges. We have also worked closely with Microsoft’s engineering team, contributing to code and automation strategies for SAP on Azure which have been released to the public via GitHub. Microsoft’s investmentin feedback loops and automation techniques paves the way for a proactive digital transformation strategy that will continue to meet the pace of change demanded by the modern enterprise.

Like Centiq, Microsoft recognises the importance of the wider SAP ecosystem to their business. Established relationships with other key technology vendors, such as SUSE, Red Hat, Dell, and of course SAP, alongside engagement with external organisations such as the SAP User Groups across the world means they have their finger on the pulse when it comes to market trends, challenges and opportunities. They encourage regional focus groups for Azure and also have an established global SAP on Azure partner council, where Centiq holds a seat.

Why Centiq for SAP on Azure and complimentary Microsoft workloads?

Our customers are not blueprints of one another, and neither is customer first engagement process. Our consultative approach allows us to really understand your business and where you need to drive value from our SAP platform.

Unrivalled experience, in SAP, Azure, Linux, SAP HANA, SAPBASIS and DevOps enabling us to deliver transformational outcomes for businesses across the world.

Proven results
We have a track record of delivering SAP transformation including S/4HANA migration, HEC exit and ‘lift and transform’ ECC on premise to Azure projects. All underpinned by our four-pillar methodology focussing on standardisation, rationalisation modernisation, automation.
See our customer stories
Each of these case studies demonstrates the tremendous impact our team has had in implementing agile, flexible and optimised SAP.
SAP on Azure for a global brand
This organisation had confidence in the SAP ERP system, but they needed to leverage Azure to move their business-critical landscape and take advantage of the cloud.
A modern SAP estate for an ethical retailer
This large-scale cosmetics retailer relied on a SAP estate for logistics, sales, finance and customer data. They needed to upgrade to S/4HANA on Azure to make them more competitive.
S/4HANA migration for digital transformation
This international engineering and construction enterprise needed real-time, centralised data. Their goal: to enable innovation across the company.